29 October 2007

Another way to help Dawn Thompson

Halloween week [from October 30 thru November 16]

Dawn Thompson, who also writes as Dawn McTavish for
Dorchester Publishing and Kensington books, recently
had a bad fall and is in the hospital. She is on a fixed income
and as a new writer has to wait for nearly a year to start
receiving her royalties. She doesn't have family to help her
and has a lot of needs not being covered by her insurance. Money
will go to help her pay for medicine not covered, and other needs
arising from her recovery.

How can you help?

Buy a book from BOOK ISLE using this SPECIAL

ORDER FORM to send us your order.

At no cost to you - BOOK ISLE will donate 5% of the sale to a fund
for Dawn's medical bills.

YES, PRE-ORDERED November book releases qualify in this "fundraiser
book order"

SHARE THE NEWS and make your order count for more

  • IF TOTAL OF ALL BOOK ORDERS IS OVER $1,000 - eBOOKISLE will give 6% Donation
  • IF TOTAL OF ALL BOOK ORDERS IS OVER $2,000 - eBOOKISLE will give 7% Donation
  • IF TOTAL OF ALL BOOK ORDERS IS OVER $3,000 - eBOOKISLE will give 8% Donation
  • IF TOTAL OF ALL BOOK ORDERS IS OVER $4,000 - eBOOKISLE will give 9% Donation
  • IF TOTAL OF ALL BOOK ORDERS IS OVER $5,000 - eBOOKISLE will give 10% Donation

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