***** Purrfect Romance!, February 3, 2008
Crystal Adkins "Crystal's book reviews" (Ashland, KY) -
Cat O' Nine Tales by Deborah MacGillivray is a compilation of romance, spice, a little naughty and a whole lot of nice. Couples that have loved and lost, still hurting from the past unable to let go, come face to face with their soul mate. With a little help of course; from their beloved kitties.
A fast paced novel that you will absolutely fall in love with. Each story is different and very enjoyable in its own way. Humor tends to hide in the best places, along with a good selection of music thrown in here or there. Whether it be healing from a broken heart from divorce, or the lost love in a car accident, or the loneliness of wanting something you can not have, it is within the pages of this book.
Each story was perfectly written. I can not pick out one story that was more special to me above the others. But I will lavish upon the one entitled, All I Want For Christmas Is A Hula-Hoop & A Mother. This story is so beautiful. Keon Challenger and his small daughter Allison were about to receive the best Christmas gift possible. A woman for Keon to love and a Mother for Allison. Allison sent her list in to Santa via e-mail asking for a pony, kitty, hula-hoop, and a mother. When Keon decides to stay and help Miz Leslie set up for the ballet recital, he is smitten with her in an instant. Allison wanted a Mommy more than anything and with the way he was feeling, she may very well get that wish. A game of hide the pickle will be just the ticket. (You have to read the story to get the meaning). Only 3 more things on little Allison's list, has she been a good enough girl this year?
Ms. MacGillivray always pens interesting tales that will warm your heart and make you cry at the same time. In her stories you truly believe love like the ones found within her characters and books can be real. Cat O' Nine Tales is beyond a magnificent read, it is a book that you can curl up with beside that special feline in your life and enjoy many times over.
Deborah delivers a purrfectly written novel with just enough naughty Scots to make you wish for your own braw lad with a Scottish lilt to warm your bed.
5 Hearts