The first day of the 10th Annual Kentucky Renaissance Faire saw huge crowds
Me in my new pirate hat (thanks to surprise gift from hubby) and Candy, ready to dash to the Renfaire!
We had lunchtime entertainment -- literally!! Capt'n Amos and sidekick danced and sang from the tabletop of our table!!
Only twice will the Maypole be in May. Next weekend they are Junepoles!
Candy resting under the tree enjoying the breeze with me....watching all the sights go by!
We, especially were happy to visit out friend Tara and Mark Reed "FOOL HEARTY"
Huge crowd, and me being limited with the cane because of my healing legs, made me miss Kevin Briscoe, one of my pirate friends from the old Facebook game Pirates of the Caribbean. I saw him from a distance, but no way could I catch up with my cane. However, he did find me on Sunday, and we shall post for pics next weekend. Miss Angie. She was back in the Gypsy camp, and downhill is not good on my poor leg. Again, will try to connect this coming weekend. Did get to see Dragon Bob (Robert Barker) but he stepped in a whole and nearly broke his leg, so spent most of the day at ER. I got a couple pics of Erika (but she was too busy play Da French to glance out way). I got her good on Sunday, though!!
All in all, it was good to see old friends and have such a wonderful time!!
All in all, it was good to see old friends and have such a wonderful time!!
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