The book originally was slotted for late 2010 release. However, when my home burned down, the whole manuscript was lost. I have had to rewrite it. There have been a lot of personal issues, health issues that slowed the rescheduling of the release.
Currently, I was looking forward to a release later this year, however, the publisher responsible for putting out this series has undergone some serious changes over the last year, not the least of which my editor, Chris Keeslar, just left his position at Dorchester. It's leaving a lot of questions, and no easy answers. Many authors are complaining about years of non-payment. Many fear, despite Dorchester showing a rebound since Keeslar has taken over last year, they cannot see how the publisher will continue. There is no editorial staff left, so I really don't seem them handling the fourth book.
I already have another publisher waiting in the wings, and will likely be moving ahead with them in the near future. I will keep you posted as soon as updates and information come in.
Thanks for your patience!
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