06 December 2015

Ribbons & Kiss Fandango - tonight at 7pm

Join me Tonight at 7 PM on Facebook for the Ribbons & Kisses Fandango
There I will be giving away A Restless Knight, One Snowy Knight and my newest Dragon of Challon story in One Christmas Knight anthology
and three $10 Amazon.com gift certificates

A Facebook Event

17 authors giving away prices all day!!

Join us!!


Unknown said...

Where can I buy Redemption?? I can't seem to find it anywhere! :(

Deborah Macgillivray said...

Jennifer, I am in the process of moving the Dragons of Challon to Prarie Rose Publishing. I asked for my rights back on the first two since their contracts were up and the head of Kensington reluctantly let them go (since they were still making money after 10 years). One Snowy Knight is still with them, but the contract will expire this summer, so I will be asking for that one back as well. I will re-release A Restless Knight and Ravenhawke (the original title for In Her Bed) along with Redemption later this year. I will post notice when dates are firmed up. Thank you for asking!