24 December 2011

Merry Christmas to everyone

I don't care if you are religious or not. Christmas is not about religion for many, it is and should be about Peace On Earth and Goodwill Toward Man. It's sad that isn't carried out throughout the whole year.

2010 was very rough year for me. It started with a house fire where I nearly died. Then later the aftermath, healing and finding a new home. Then my husband nearly died. It wasn't easy. But 2012 is promising me good things. New book coming out shortly, new publisher, new home I love.

So I am wishing you all that promise of a better 2012 and hope all your dreams come true.



Anonymous said...

wishing you & your family a very happy new year & a year of healing & renewal.  ABarber

Anonymous said...

wishing you and your family a very happy new year. may it be a time of healing & renewal for you. Many blessings to you and your family in 2012!  A.Barber

Albertdss said...

tambien para ti,te deseo feliz Navidad y un feliz 2012