Methinks the lady has secrets…
Actually, Guillaume Challon knows Rowanne MacShane is keeping dark secrets, ones that threaten to overshadow their growing love. He came to Scotland with his brother, Julian, upon the command of Edward Plantagenet, ordered to take and hold the valley of Glen Shane. His brother rewarded him with the small holding of Glennashane―and the hand of Lady Rowanne for his bride. The rumors that speak the lady may have played a hand in the death of her first husband cause him little pause―used to battles and winning, why should his upcoming marriage be any different? He wants the lady in his bed and will not stop at any cost to attain the prize of her heart. She wants him, he sees it in her eyes, yet in the same breath she continually pushes him away.
Shortly after their marriage, he is summoned to Edward’s side to fight the Scots at the Battle of Sterling. Upon his return to Glennashane, he finds his Scottish bride has locked and barred his fortress against him. He must lay siege to his castle and his lady’s heart. But, unless he unlocks the secrets she hides dearly their very lives are at peril.
This is a fantastic series and these are the best covers! I can't wait till they're all out and I have the whole collection! :)
Can anyone tell me where i can buy these books? I cant find them anywhere
Mary, these rest of the Dragons of Challon are not out yet, due to my home burning down and a change in publishers. Keep watching for news on their release. Amazon/Montlake has my books now.
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